Tuesday, February 5, 2008

MMORPG: Tattoo Artist (Profession)

-Allow Trainer, Vendor, and Dropped Patterns
-Stackable Patterns (Up to Three)
-Certain number of total tattoos available (3 max)
-Stacking Synergy depending on the tattoos you choose
-Special Pigments to Enhance the tattoos an artist creates, could be rare drops also or rare herbalist creations
-Only a high-level artist can remove a tattoo, once removed you cannot be tattooed for a certain length of time

Example of a Stacking Tattoo:
Lesser Mark of the Red Dragon (+4 Fire Resistance)
Major Mark of the Red Dragon (+8 Fire Resistance)
Greater Mark of the Red Dragon (+16 Fire Resistance)
Synergy Example: Once every hour you ignore a fire spell directed at you. Or once every hour you can breathe a plume of fire that does X Damage and X Extra Damage over X Seconds.

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